Elephants, Leopards, Lions…


At last! We have uploaded hundreds of images from our recent African trip. You’ll find the ‘Big Four’,  plus wild dogs, crocodiles and fish eagles and many more creatures. We can’t provide you the ‘Five’ as there are apparently no rhinos in the Luangwa Valley, which is where we have been.
Continue reading Elephants, Leopards, Lions…

Apologies from a Blogging Late Learner

Sophie blogging in Malawi IMG_1434Jeremy Brough, our ‘web guru’ friend was here all day yesterday helping us sort out various problems we have been encountering, mainly – but not all – to do with photos.

We loaded lots – but not all – of John’s photos, and have started creating galleries so people can just look at the specific group of photos – e.g. flowers, Zambia, or whatever. This is a work in process. Continue reading Apologies from a Blogging Late Learner

A Little Rural Contrast

By way of a complete change of scenery…

IMG_3741Bradbourne is a very small village, one of Parwich’s nearest neighbours, but by a geographical quirk it is technically Matlock, whilst we are Ashbourne, with  different telephone and postal codes so for some funny reason it seems further than it is.

Unusually, it is a ‘Thankful Village’, the only village in Derbyshire which suffered not a single casualty for soldiers fighting in either World War. Continue reading A Little Rural Contrast

Snorkelling without Crocodiles

Preparing the fish eagle bait
Preparing the fish eagle bait

I am writing this aboard the Mufasa, a beautiful catamaran. She is the pride and joy of Howard and Michele who own Danforth Yachting where we are staying. Lucky people can charter her for a day or even a week or more, and  we are out for the day.

The point of our outing, as well as sheer enjoyment, is for me – John has refused outright – to view underwater some of the Ciclids, for which Malawi is famous and for John to try to capture a photo of a Fish Eagle fishing. All this without  meeting the elusive croc that has been sighted, or Continue reading Snorkelling without Crocodiles

Hello to Malawi

Our Final Episode

We are now in Malawi for a relaxing few days wind down beside Lake Malawi. We have had to a learn a whole new vocabulary  – no talk of Nyasaland or Lake Nyasa and the local currency, the Malawi Kwacha  – 1000MK equals about 70p I think so it has taken a while to realise that nothing costs quite as

imagemuch as it feels.

English is the Malawi national language, spoken with varying degrees of fluency. The people, like the Zambian, seem very courteous, friendly and essentially happy although apparently the AIDS problem is enormous. Continue reading Hello to Malawi