Golden Junketings in Scarborough

When I was young, the occasional elderly couple that reached their Golden Wedding anniversary seemed frighteningly old and frail.

Golden Wedding Tea PartyNow that John and I and many of our friends have reached that stage, I am glad to report that we all feel – and who would argue – look extremely youthful and vigorous.  Continue reading Golden Junketings in Scarborough

It’s like Lord of the Flies all over again, but with adults

Won’t we all be relieved when the Referendum is over?

I said I wouldn’t ever bring politics into the Marionfs blog. And this isn’t politics, it’s much more serious than that. It’s a reflection on the sheer nastiness that the Referendum has caused. It seems to have released so much anger and viciousness, ridiculous threats and wild promises in a country that has prided itself on democracy, fair play and decency, and hopefully producing leaders one could look up to.

It’s like Lord of the Flies all over again, but with adults, many of whom are our country’s leaders, and with whom we have entrusted our future. If behaviour like this had broken out on the school playground heads would have been knocked together weeks ago, and stern lectures delivered about growing up, about kindness and consideration for others even if they don’t agree with you, and never thinking you can bully and insult anyone who does not wish to join your gang.

One hopes the dreadful shooting of an MP going about her business supporting her constituents might be a wake up call to all concerned. So I was rather disillusioned to read just now that MPs were instead discussing their own security.

Naively (and maybe they are) I would have liked them also to be discussing together how they might conduct themselves these last few days before the 23rd, and then how they can possibly try to restore some sort of an equilibrium afterwards when so much lasting damage has already been caused by both sides.

Here endeth my heartfelt rant.  Forgive me, but like so many others, one feels so helpless and frustrated, and anxious about the future, which ever side ‘wins’.

You’ll have to wait until the next post to hear about our own little dramas…