Nearly a month has past since a group of old St Peter’s girls – and a few boys – met up near Oxford for a most enjoyable reunion. Several people have circulated photos of the event which I have included here in the St Peter’s gallery, and Rhona Walker (nee Coulson) has sent a wonderful CD with about 40 photos of our meeting.
Continue reading SPUDS Reunited – Back to School (Again!)
Category: Latest News
Broadening our Horizons?
After an embarrassingly full and active (even perhaps hectic at times) summer, our programme of planned jollities is drawing to a close. We have bid farewell to Sara and Tom, and one can’t stretch Golden Wedding celebrations for much more than three months… Continue reading Broadening our Horizons?
A Week in Wales
As seems usual these days I seem permanently to be at least one step behind…
A long time ago, it seems, but actually only last week, after our memorable family gathering in Wales, the Australian and retired F-S section of the family – accompanied by still hard working Ruthie for a couple of days – stayed on in their holiday cottage to enjoy some time together in west Wales. Continue reading A Week in Wales
A Family Gathering

Last year, or maybe even the year before, our niece Ann Latham and her husband Chris, suggested that all ‘the cousins’ and their families should meet up at their home in Wales over this August Bank Holiday weekend. Continue reading A Family Gathering
Keeping in Touch – Families and Old Girls
Old Girls first…
A Second Childhood – St Peter’s Revisited
You may well wonder I suddenly seem obsessed with my schooldays, and for the moment, I really am! Having left school, and Africa in one fell swoop at the age of 18 when my parents retired and went to settle in England taking their family with them it had never occurred to me to stay behind on my own. Continue reading A Second Childhood – St Peter’s Revisited
A Chequered Education
A creature of habit, law abiding and actually quite shy, I absolutely dreaded starting a new school and only began enjoying myself after a term or two when I started feeling more confident. I must admit that in my teenage years Continue reading A Chequered Education
Kapishya Springs
Kapishya Springs is a truly delightful spot run by Mark Harvey (Charlie’s brother) and his wife Mel, a few miles from Shiwa Ng’andu in the north of Zambia. Continue reading Kapishya Springs
Africa House Revisited: a second Shiwa Ngandu Snippet
Another big hole in my Africa posts, about to be part filled at last. As you may remember, we had such difficulty with internet access while actually staying there, posts were skimpy and infrequent. No such problems now, although come to think of broadband is not brilliant in Parwich either… Continue reading Africa House Revisited: a second Shiwa Ngandu Snippet
A Spot of Devon Nostalgia
Aylmer Cove, a welcome sight for those of us who have been away too long!
John and I have just returned from a really lovely weekend staying with my brother, John, in South Devon. John lives in a beautiful old mill house with biggish garden and with a tributary of the Dart, called the Mardle, running along the edge. Continue reading A Spot of Devon Nostalgia