Comments on: Decluttering: Life-changing Magic? Sharing a personal adventure together Tue, 19 Jan 2016 22:30:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marion Fuller-Sessions Tue, 19 Jan 2016 22:30:21 +0000 In reply to Pippa.

Lovely! Don’t set your hearts too much on the Zen/minimalist theme, Pips. Well soon start cluttering up again, I am sure!

By: Pippa Tue, 19 Jan 2016 20:47:57 +0000 In reply to Marion Fuller-Sessions.

We would love to visit once you’re all settled in your Zen like minimalistic new home Marion!

By: Marion Fuller-Sessions Tue, 19 Jan 2016 17:01:12 +0000 In reply to Pippa.

Thank you Pippa. Nick has found someone who can bring order to one’s paperwork/office but I haven’t dared go that far yet. And lots of love to you all, too. You’ll have to come and see us in our new house, when we eventually get there and if I haven’t decluttered everything away!

By: Pippa Tue, 19 Jan 2016 11:12:01 +0000 In reply to Marion Fuller-Sessions.

Hi Marion, I have only just seen your email! It somehow got lost in my masses of emails. Now there is an area of my life that definitely needs decluttering! Wishing you a stress free and happy move. Lots of love Pippa

By: Marion Fuller-Sessions Tue, 12 Jan 2016 16:59:15 +0000 In reply to Pippa.

Pippa, I just realised i didn’t answer your question about when we hope to move. The answer is, we don’t know, but we hope by the end of Feb, all being well. Our solicitor is well on with things but awaiting various vital bits from the sellers’ solicitor. We haven’t even exchanged yet, so nothing is certain. It will be a relief to (hopefully!) have it all settled. Meanwhile, we have de-cluttering time… which is a bonus.

By: Marion Fuller-Sessions Tue, 12 Jan 2016 14:32:53 +0000 In reply to Pippa.

Pips, that is what Marie Kondo says – that decluttering is ‘life-changing magic’. What we don’t know is how long this sense of well-being lasts… Hopefully until the clutter starts building up again, one doesn’t want to be in a permanent state of needing a decluttering fix!

By: Pippa Tue, 12 Jan 2016 10:28:37 +0000 In reply to Marion Fuller-Sessions.

Yes, incentives can be a wonderful thing! I do love a good clearing out, somehow it seems to make such a huge impact on my sense of wellbeing and mental clarity. It really does seem to free up space and energy in unexpected ways. When do you move Marion?

By: Marion Fuller-Sessions Tue, 12 Jan 2016 08:09:51 +0000 In reply to Michael Radcliffe.

Mike, hi, how right you are! The computer? I hadn’t thought of that… Fortunately that clutter is very concentrated, almost invisible. The spark joy test won’t work there, nor on the filing cabinet, another horror story. We are finding it all difficult (and we’re still at the easy stage of categories) but the thought of our children having to sort everything because we can’t bear to is a strong incentive – also of course ‘the needs must’ pressure of serious downsizing. And it does feel very satisfying, liberating even.

By: Michael Radcliffe Tue, 12 Jan 2016 07:45:50 +0000 Marion, our thoughts on your de-cluttering range from guilt about broken resolutions over the years to do just the same, to amazement at your single-minded approach to it. As you have intimated, “needs must”. Making time is always the problem. Life is so short and there are so many things you want to do. I did a virus scan just before Christmas on the computer I am using to write these comments. It took about 18 hours and I was astonished to find It had scanned nearly a million files. How often have I told myself I must de-clutter this computer? It is enormously time consuming and do I really want to spend the time examining all these files to decide which to bin and which to keep? With a house and its contents it is memories of a lifetime’s precious shared experiences you do not want to bin without careful consideration and this necessarily takes time. But, it is better to tackle it together rather than leave it to the widowed partner or one’s family. Brilliant the acid test “does it spark joy?”

By: Marion Fuller-Sessions Mon, 11 Jan 2016 21:27:27 +0000 In reply to Tim.

Tim, imagine the sudden sense of panic as the last thing on the conveyor belt disappears, and you realise after all that we do need some things, whether we like it or not!! Crushed is very final. Our first batch of the second round of decluttering went off today, to the Air Ambulance. Not crushed, but still pretty final! I must say it feels good.
(By the way, hope your fingers are okay – not too frostbitten.)
