Comments on: Safe Landings Sharing a personal adventure together Tue, 14 Jul 2015 15:53:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: marion Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:45:34 +0000 In reply to Shelley.

Shelley, please don’t apologise for not commenting. There is absolutely no obligation on anyone, to say anything. It is lovely that you have even found the time to read anything, with your amazing move to Japan. Do you fancy doing a guest post about the rather superior Japanese life-style you are embracing? I think everyone would be absolutely intrigued, not least with your superloo! (The Japanese must be very shocked when they come to the UK. Goodness knows what they would think if they visited Sub Saharan Africa – maybe that explains why we didn’t see any on our travels!).

I’m serious about the guest post, if/when you have time and would be happy to. (Put a link to your photography site, too. People would love to see your photos.)

By: marion Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:19:36 +0000 In reply to Marilyn Walton.

Hi, Marilyn – lovely to hear from you, presumably still in France? There has been a bit of a lull in intermission, with unexpected Golden Wedding jollities somehow taking up all the time. There is still lots to tell everyone. John is busy sorting out his photos and the web guru comes on Tuesday to help us work out how to share them in the best way.

By: Marilyn Walton Fri, 10 Jul 2015 07:47:13 +0000 Hello Marion and John
Good to hear you are safely back in Parwich! I’ll look forward to the rest of your Africa reports and, of course, the photos, which I know will be extraordinary. It’s also good to hear you haven’t lost your touch in the cake making department.
Best wishes

By: Shelley Thu, 09 Jul 2015 22:24:41 +0000 It’s been wonderful following your trip Marion. I apologise for not commenting more, but as you know we’ve had the mayhem of moving, so sadly I’ve not had a second to spare.
But the blogs and the teasing photos on FB so far have been super 🙂 I look forward to seeing more soon. Lots of love, Shelley & Jonathan
