Comments on: The Tempest Sharing a personal adventure together Sun, 15 Jan 2017 10:26:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marion Fuller-Sessions Sun, 15 Jan 2017 10:26:41 +0000 In reply to Michael Radcliffe.

Thank you Mike. You’d have been most interested to see this version of your effects. How lovely for you that your brother is now living near Stratford! It might be worth keeping an eye on what’s coming up at the RSC as things seem to book up very quickly. It seems a gesture of faith booking a year in advance, but it is amazing how quickly this date in the distant future suddenly comes up. And, as you say, for the screen version, Belper, Wirksworth, the Quad…

By: Michael Radcliffe Sun, 15 Jan 2017 08:04:09 +0000 Hi Marion, I last saw ‘The Tempest’ at Clare College in an open air college production in Clare gardens in May 1962. I was the stage hand with responsibility for creating the sound effects for the storm! I rigged up a contraption, of my own design, out of sight behind some bushes using scaffolding poles to hold some canvass over an open cylindrical drum which I rotated where storm noises were required. The results were just what the director wanted and he and the cast were delighted with my contribution to the performance. It would be fun to see it again. Now that my brother is living near Stratford we will be going to the theatre some time soon. We must also see a live performance in a cinema like you, Wirksworth or Derby Quad. Best wishes, Mike
