Excuse the current silence. Last minute panic has quietly crept in and our taxi arrives in an hour to take us to the station.
‘Have you got the passports?’
‘I thought you did?’
‘My bag weighs more than 15Kg already…’
‘Oh dear, I hope we’re going to manage.’
Let’s hope so! We’ll keep you posted, anyway.
having just received your moving house card and seeing that you are now a blogger I am delighted to tell you that I am a fully subscribed follower!!! I am very excited to follow you and John on your travels and am looking forward to hearing and hopefully seeing all you get up to. Have a wonderful trip!
Love Julia xxx
Julia, what a lovely message to receive, as we sit at Heathrow waiting for the plane to Cape Town. Excited and a little apprehensive! Am hoping I manage to keep the blog going smoothly on my iPad, technological competence and wifi willing! Love to you and John
Dear John and Marion
Have a fantastic time. I am looking forward to reading the blog during your travels.
James, hello from Cape Town. Did Rosemary tell you about the piece on Facebook about your father and a snake?
We are settling happily into the holiday routine already, although still somewhat over-excited/fatigued!
Hello Marion and John
Ominous silence on the blog, since your departure? I sincerely hope not technical problems. I hope you’re both well and having fun. We look forward to the first selfie’s. Love Chris & Sadie
Chris, ominous silence partly incompetence and mostly because of The flight. Went straight to see your mum and dad when we arrived and had a lovely visit! Met all the carers, and your mum in great and very chatty form, with lots of fun reminiscences from the distant past. Back tomorrow morning early for another visit, then on Wed going with Jen to Babylon…(can’t remember how you spell it). All very lovely.
Hello Marion, I’m enjoying my coffee break from the ongoing house renovation all the more as I read through your blog posts. I can really sense your excitement and (slight) apprehension and am full of admiration for you both. Any travel nowadays can be stressful but you are both so full of joie de vivre that you seem undaunted by anything, even the vagaries of Apple! I’ll look forward to all your musings and hopefully the photos too. Bon voyage, Marilyn xx
Marilyn, hi! I wrote you a lengthy and delighted reply at Joburg airport this morning, and the free wifi decided 30 minutes was up and of course my response all went up in smoke! Anyway, we are now safely in Zambia, staying at Lilayi Lodge just outside Lusaka, in great comfort and with instant wifi. Lilay runs an elephant orphanage and we are hoping to go and babies’ feeding time tomorrow. Hope there’ll be a post about it…